
Hi & welcome to the new Ford Airfield Markets website.
We hope we have included everything you need to know about your visit, whether its strolling around the Market or Car Boot sales or as seller at one of the events.
At the Car Boot sale this morning it is bright and sunny (although chilly first thing) and very busy! As it's half term it seems Mums have dragged the kids out of bed and brought them along, wonder if they will fetch a good price?
There is plenty of 'object d'art' for the antiquey amongst you or household, clothing sort of Jumbley stuff, also some weird and wonderful bits and pieces!
The BBC are telling us that this weekend's weather is going to be the best of the Summer so far! So maybe Ford Market first then beach or BBQ in the afternoon, on Sunday you can get your sausages from our Butcher's lorry, the Cumberland ones are lovely!
You can combine your visit to us, if you are in the area for the day or on holiday, with a short drive to Arundel which has some very interesting shops and great Pubs, also a well supported Farmers Market in the town square on the third Saturday of each month and of course the Castle and Cathedral....
Don't forget that we open our markets and car boot sales every week of the year (except Christmas & Boxing Day) through rain, shine, snow (sometimes all three) plus anything the good old British weather can throw at us!
Hope you have enjoyed our new Market website and found the history bit interesting and will pop back for the odd update.