We are not Closing!

Its not Windy its Sunday.
Well, thank you very much February…… for nothing! What a horrible month! West Sussex has definitely had to bear the brunt of some of the most awful weather, Storm Ciara? Storm Dennis? Why oh why do we name them and give them some sort of dignity? Maybe we could just go from January to March and miss these most miserable twenty odd days out completely and spread them over June July & August! I wonder if there is someone that we could contact to sort this? Has Boris got an Arundel Minister for short months?
We are not closing!
At the end of January the developers & the local council held a public meeting and display in the Yapton village hall. This was to show / present the public the outline of the new development / housing project and to answer any questions on the buildings that will be built on the West side of the airfield (Yapton – Bognor Regis end) and we think the plans look very exciting. There are going to be 1500 new houses, a local centre & park area, which, hopefully will bring us plenty of new customers 🙂
On the downside we will lose a bit of parking on that side but will be making plenty of extra spaces available on the Ford East wing (aeroplane end) to compensate for this, but you can rest assured that we will still be open every single Thursday Saturday & Sunday as always, so ‘spread the word’ that our Market & Car Boot sales (& plenty of parking) are here to stay!
Ford on Facebook.
Our Facebook page is growing in numbers, and we love the immediate interaction that it allows us to have with you, our customers, whether you come to us as a Market Trader, Car Booter or visit as a buyer, we are pleased to be able to share up to date info with you!
So, if you are a ‘social media’ user please ‘like’ & Share the Ford Airfield Market page www.facebook.com/fordairfieldmarket so others can see our famous ‘Deal of the day’ board or even share a few photos of the airfields day to day coming and goings….
Young British Artists.
When you have walked around the boot sale, filled your bags and enjoyed your cup of tea and bacon or sausage butty (or both) you may enjoy a stroll around the Pallant House Gallery in Chichester (not open Sundays) as they are holding an exhibition of young British artists until the 7th May which includes six important works by Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin, Peter Blake, Gavin Turk, Rachel Whiteread and Michael Craig-Martin among others. It is about how a generation of artists have expanded on the 1960’s ‘pop art’ theme and you never know it might give you that little piece of insider knowledge or future vision that helps you spot a super bargain piece of artwork on the car boot sale when you are next here! Their website for times and entry fees is pallant.org.uk
Well here’s looking forward to a Spring like March (fingers crossed)