So here it is, Merry Christmas everybody’s having fun!
Those are the immortal words sung by Mr Noddy Holder, that every year since 1973 seem to kick start the festive season for many of us, on or around the start of December. The lovely Christmassy thoughts that are running through our minds at that time are that it is a great part of the year and I can’t wait for the big day! We must do this and get so & so that, visit that posh shop in Chichester or Worthing? shall we have red or green or silver and blue decorations on the tree? A star or a fairy? The excitement is building!
Are you waiting for the family to arrive?
Are you sure you got the room to spare inside?
Now with just a few days to go just a little bit of panic is slowly raising its ugly head, ‘have we enough food’? will the Turkey fit in the oven? Did someone say Aunty B is now a vegetarian? Are there enough chairs? Where can I get emergency chairs? Is there a car boot sale on Boxing Day? But cope we do! Common sense overtakes, (sometimes though, only when it is too late & the Yapton shops are closed) So, at the end of the day, does it really matter that the roast spuds are a little soft & that there is far too much Brandy in the sauce for the pudding and Nigella’s perfect Christmas book is in the bin? Well the answer is a resounding no! Ninety-nine times out of the hundred everyone will ‘muck in’ be jolly and enjoy what’s on offer, even if the sausage rolls / devils on horsebacks are burnt to a crisp….. it will make for a chuckle and a great story ‘do you remember when’ at family gatherings for years to come.
Look to the future now, it’s only just begun.
In answering the question that was sneakily posed earlier, Ford Market & Car Boot sale will be closed on Boxing day this year! We will be strolling along Bognor seafront taking in the fresh air, so this will be the only closure during the holidays & then we will be open every Thursday Saturday & Sunday as usual right through until Boxing day next year! starting with the boot sale on Saturday 28th December
Does your granny always tell ya, that the old songs are the best?
Then she’s up and rock ‘n’ rollin with the rest…..
So, whether you are visiting or hosting the family or seeing friends out and about in West Sussex or beyond, or even enjoying the season on your own. In fact whatever you are doing try to have a great couple of stress free days, what will be will be, stuff the Turkey! stick a couple of the old favourites on the record player or whatever it is nowadays, dance a little and enjoy the cheerfulness around you 🙂
After all, it is for the children, isn’t it?