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We are not Closing!

Its not Windy its Sunday.
Well, thank you very much February…… for nothing! What a horrible month! West Sussex has definitely had to bear the brunt of some of the most awful weather, Storm Ciara? Storm Dennis? Why oh why do we name them and give them some sort of dignity? Maybe we could just go from January to March and miss these most miserable twenty odd days out completely and spread them over June July & August! I wonder if there is someone that we could contact to sort this? Has Boris got an Arundel Minister for short months?
We are not closing!
At the end of January the developers & the local council held a public meeting and display in the Yapton village hall. This was to show / present the public the outline of the new development / housing project and to answer any questions on the buildings that will be built on the West side of the airfield (Yapton – Bognor Regis end) and we think the plans look very exciting. There are going to be 1500 new houses, a local centre & park area, which, hopefully will bring us plenty of new customers 🙂
On the downside we will lose a bit of parking on that side but will be making plenty of extra spaces available on the Ford East wing (aeroplane end) to compensate for this, but you can rest assured that we will still be open every single Thursday Saturday & Sunday as always, so ‘spread the word’ that our Market & Car Boot sales (& plenty of parking) are here to stay!
Ford on Facebook.
Our Facebook page is growing in numbers, and we love the immediate interaction that it allows us to have with you, our customers, whether you come to us as a Market Trader, Car Booter or visit as a buyer, we are pleased to be able to share up to date info with you!
So, if you are a ‘social media’ user please ‘like’ & Share the Ford Airfield Market page www.facebook.com/fordairfieldmarket so others can see our famous ‘Deal of the day’ board or even share a few photos of the airfields day to day coming and goings….
Young British Artists.
When you have walked around the boot sale, filled your bags and enjoyed your cup of tea and bacon or sausage butty (or both) you may enjoy a stroll around the Pallant House Gallery in Chichester (not open Sundays) as they are holding an exhibition of young British artists until the 7th May which includes six important works by Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin, Peter Blake, Gavin Turk, Rachel Whiteread and Michael Craig-Martin among others. It is about how a generation of artists have expanded on the 1960’s ‘pop art’ theme and you never know it might give you that little piece of insider knowledge or future vision that helps you spot a super bargain piece of artwork on the car boot sale when you are next here! Their website for times and entry fees is pallant.org.uk
Well here’s looking forward to a Spring like March (fingers crossed)
January Blues

January Blues
Well here we are, very nearly at the end of January, the bustle of the Christmas festivities seems ages ago now and the New Year resolutions in the main have been tried and failed for most of us. The sales have ended and the only Amazon you want to visit is the one Richard Attenborough talks about! So perhaps now is the time for that new broom to come from the cupboard and start sweeping clean! Now is that time of the year for the big clear out! Time to bring stuff down from the loft, time to tidy the shed / garage, time for the spare room clear-out etc etc. Dust it off, price it up & load it and the kids into the car and head off to our car boot sale on Ford Airfield. We are just a few miles south of Arundel & Petworth, west of Littlehampton & Worthing and east from Bognor Regis & Chichester. In fact, it is not too far to travel wherever you are in West Sussex. Check here for the website map https://www.fordairfieldmarket.co.uk/contact/
We do open on every Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, whatever the good old British weather wants to throw at us (and boy has it thrown some of the wet stuff at us this past few weeks maybe even months!) But we will be here at 7.30 every Thursday & Saturday & 8.30 on Sunday and will still be here throughout the year!
The Kipper Season
January, February & March are traditionally a lean time for the new goods side of our business and is known in the industry as ‘the kipper’ 🙂 This marks the first 3 months of the year when the slowdown of trade & tightening of purse strings after the busy summer and Christmas period when, as folk law has it, you could only afford to eat kippers instead of steak! This term is also widely used by taxi drivers and fairground workers we believe.
We have heard the term ‘Veganuary’ quite a bit recently for the last few years and quite a few people seem to be getting involved with it. Maybe it has become another way of eating when the pennies are hard to come by! (Tony’s smiling on his Fruit & Veg stall)
With Burns night on the 25th Veganuary & dry Jan could come to an abrupt end with a plate of Haggis, Neeps n Tatties washed down with a wee dram!
Littlehampton Leap
If you really want to clear the cobwebs from your body & brain and help a couple of local charities, there is the Littlehampton Leap! After visiting Ford market and car boot sale on Sunday the 26th you can jump into the River Arun from the Red footbridge near the Arun view pub in your swimmers or fancy dress! Details are here if you are feeling a bit brave / mad / daft
http://www.arundivers.org.uk/leap2020.htm Good luck!
February in my opinion is the most horrid month of them all and is just a few days away now 🙁 How I wish that we were one of the species that hibernated! I could go to bed on the first and watch the Rugby six nations (possibly get up for Valentines) and look forward to the spring! No such luck with the car boot sale being so busy and to cap it all it has an extra day this year! Bloody Leap years!

So here it is, Merry Christmas everybody’s having fun!
Those are the immortal words sung by Mr Noddy Holder, that every year since 1973 seem to kick start the festive season for many of us, on or around the start of December. The lovely Christmassy thoughts that are running through our minds at that time are that it is a great part of the year and I can’t wait for the big day! We must do this and get so & so that, visit that posh shop in Chichester or Worthing? shall we have red or green or silver and blue decorations on the tree? A star or a fairy? The excitement is building!
Are you waiting for the family to arrive?
Are you sure you got the room to spare inside?
Now with just a few days to go just a little bit of panic is slowly raising its ugly head, ‘have we enough food’? will the Turkey fit in the oven? Did someone say Aunty B is now a vegetarian? Are there enough chairs? Where can I get emergency chairs? Is there a car boot sale on Boxing Day? But cope we do! Common sense overtakes, (sometimes though, only when it is too late & the Yapton shops are closed) So, at the end of the day, does it really matter that the roast spuds are a little soft & that there is far too much Brandy in the sauce for the pudding and Nigella’s perfect Christmas book is in the bin? Well the answer is a resounding no! Ninety-nine times out of the hundred everyone will ‘muck in’ be jolly and enjoy what’s on offer, even if the sausage rolls / devils on horsebacks are burnt to a crisp….. it will make for a chuckle and a great story ‘do you remember when’ at family gatherings for years to come.
Look to the future now, it’s only just begun.
In answering the question that was sneakily posed earlier, Ford Market & Car Boot sale will be closed on Boxing day this year! We will be strolling along Bognor seafront taking in the fresh air, so this will be the only closure during the holidays & then we will be open every Thursday Saturday & Sunday as usual right through until Boxing day next year! starting with the boot sale on Saturday 28th December
Does your granny always tell ya, that the old songs are the best?
Then she’s up and rock ‘n’ rollin with the rest…..
So, whether you are visiting or hosting the family or seeing friends out and about in West Sussex or beyond, or even enjoying the season on your own. In fact whatever you are doing try to have a great couple of stress free days, what will be will be, stuff the Turkey! stick a couple of the old favourites on the record player or whatever it is nowadays, dance a little and enjoy the cheerfulness around you 🙂
After all, it is for the children, isn’t it?
Tony F&V R.I.P.